Corona-related Tweets by Dutch politicians: facts, or opinions to deliberately mislead an audience?

Written by Group 26: Julia Geerts, Jeanine Klomp, Noé Simon, Rumyana Todorova & Zoë Verwers Social media is used a lot by people to either spread their opinions, like ideas of others or to check on what is happening in the world. We have all seen the disastrous Tweets of President Donald Trump on TwitterMeer lezen over “Corona-related Tweets by Dutch politicians: facts, or opinions to deliberately mislead an audience?”

What actually happened on 9/11?

Introduction This week, I saw a Dutch theater presentation on Youtube called ‘KomPlott’, which was about conspiracy theories linked with the attacks of 9/11. The presenter George van Houts tried to answer different questions that were raised after the attacks, and explained different reasons why we should question what happened on 9/11. After watching thisMeer lezen over “What actually happened on 9/11?”

Misleading election campaigns? Let’s create more awareness

In the last couple of weeks, the entire world was following the presidential elections of the United States of 2020. The Democratic candidate Joe Biden was running against the current president of the U.S., Donald Trump, and he won the elections. The weeks building up to the elections, many different graphs and maps were sharedMeer lezen over “Misleading election campaigns? Let’s create more awareness”

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